Orym blinks in and out of consciousness. Sweat pours down his sleek bald head, stinging his eyes. The chains holding him captive to the cold metal chair tighten as he struggles, pathetically, to free himself.
“Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at its beauty, its genius?” Agent Da’leth’s voice radiates from behind Orym. The program’s silky monotonous drone brings Orym back to his present predicament. “Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious.”
Back on the Nebuchadnezzar, Orym’s ship, Imogen is helped up and out of the chair by Dorian. “What’s happening?” She asks. The back of her neck tingles, her cervical nerves, – she’s still not used to this popping in and out of realities. Her mind uploading into The Matrix, with her body limp fixed to a chair on the ship. She notices he’s bleeding.
Minor sparks come off of one of the secondary control consoles. Evidence of the fight they only heard bits of pieces of, from the other side. Moving some hanging tubing out of her way, she sees Laudna and asks. “Where’s Orym?”
The ship’s faded green light casts an eery glow over Laudna’s pale face. She looks to Dorian, whose expression is pained. “He has Orym.”
“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world. Where none suffered. Where everyone would be happy.” Da’leth continues, slowly, methodically.
Orym is now aware of the tiny rubber cups attached to his temples, his chest, his stomach. Wires chafe under his shirt. Not the one he’s used to wearing in the real world, but the one his digital body maintains. He’s still in The Matrix. As Da’leth’s voice continues to wash over him, the pain spikes again, preventing him from slipping into the unconscious his mind is pleading to go to.
“Do I still have your attention, Orym? The first Matrix, it was a disaster. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world.” The agent steps into Orym’s field of view. Leaning down, he whispers conspirationally. “But I believe that as a species, human beings just aren’t that imaginative. Your reality is defined through misery and suffering.”
Orym sees the agent blurry in front of him, he tries to focus. To stay awake.
“The perfect world would seem but a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization.” Agent Da’leth drones on, passively moving the dial on the table.
Orym narrows his eyes as he struggles to keep his mouth shut, from crying out in pain. It’s more than he’s ever experienced.
As if a particularly unappealing smell is wafting up through the vents, Dal’leth continues. “I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization…” He drones on. “Evolution, Orym, evolution. Like the dinosaur.” The agent smirks slightly. “Look out that window. You had your time. The future is our world, Orym. The future is our time.”
“What’s he doin’ to him?” Imogen asks dumbly.
“Every ship captain has the codes to Zion’s mainframe computer.” Dorian states, the horror evident in his tone of voice.
“He’s trying to crack Orym.” Laudna gasps in realization. “We can’t let them do that. It would spell the end of everything we know, everything we’ve worked for. Orym’s dream.”
“I know.” Dorian replies, tightly.
The three crew members approach where Orym’s body lies reclined. His arms peacefully resting on the faded leather armrests of the dental-office-like-chair. Sweat is beading down from his forehead, eyes closed but twitching haphazardly.
“What can we do?” Again Imogen, the newest member of the ship, asks the obvious question.
“There’s only one thing we can do.” Dorian says it without making eye contact with her. His eyes become pools of sadness as he watches Orym’s face contort in obvious pain.
“But it’s Orym.” Laudna pleads.
Imogen is lost for a moment, looking between Dorian and Laudna.
“Don’t you think I know that!” Dorian pulls his vision up to meet Laudna’s across from him, over Orym’s mostly still body. “Don’t you think I would do anything else if I knew there was an option?”
Laudna pulls a clean towel from behind her and pats Orym’s perspiring face. Imogen notices a single tear behind one of her dark beautiful eyes. She blinks it away, stealing herself, and nods.
Imogen watches Laudna nervously. She’s always the definition of confident, strong, together. She’s not used to seeing the ship’s first officer act like she’s on the brink of a meltdown. Imogen worries for Laudna, even though she honestly should probably be more worried about Orym right now.
Dorian takes the towel from Laudna and leans down so that his face is level with Orym’s. He whispers something into his ear and doesn’t stop his own tears from starting to fall. The death of Cyrus, just minutes fresh. Chetney’s betrayal still red in their minds. “This can’t all be for nothing.”
Agent Da’leth lowers his hand from his earpiece, and sighs. “Never send a human to do a machine’s job.”
Agent Thull enters the room, the slightly taller, broader shouldered agent eyes Orym. “If indeed the insider has failed, they’ll sever the connection as soon as possible…” They spit with a slight scorn in their tone.
“They’re dead either way.” Da’leth continues. “We must continue with the plan. Deploy the sentinels”
“Stop.” Imogen states as Dorian slides his hand off of Orym’s head and behind his neck. “I don’t believe this is happening.”
Dorian looks to Imogen, a sad defeated look across his face.
Laudna puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I hate this, but Dorian’s right, Imo. This is the only way.”
Imogen shrugs it off. “No, the Oracle told me this would happen.” She looks up intently at Laudna, and then over to Dorian.
Dorian’s hand stills.
“That I would have to make a choice.” She continues.
Laudna’s eyes narrow.
Imogen gives Laudna an apologetic look, before confidently stating. “I’m going after him.”
“What? No, you cant.” Laudna exclaims. “Its too dangerous.”
“Theres no way you’re going back in there after all that was sacrificed to get you out.” Dorian chokes out.
“Agreed.” Laudna crosses her arms, taking a stance on finality. “You’re too important. And Orym knew what he was doing. He sacrificed himself to get you out.”
Imogen shakes her head, raising her voice slightly to strengthen her resolve. “Orym did what he did because he believed I am something I’m not.”
“The Oracle-” Laudna gasps.
“I’m not The One, Laudna.” Imogen stops her. “The Oracle told me so.”
Laudna shakes her head, a fracture in her resolve. “It can’t be true.” She takes half a step back from Imogen.
“Why?” Imogen looks at Laudna.
“You have to be The One.” Laudna’s voice is just above a whisper. Like she’s trying to convince herself more than Imogen.
“Imo, this is loco.” Dorian shakes his head, now kneeling at Orym’s side. “Look, I want Orym back too, but what you’re talking about is suicide!”
“I know what this looks like, but it’s not.” Imogen wrings her hands in frustration. “Look, I can’t really explain, but I feel this is right. I know this is right.” She looks again to Laudna, who seems to be warring internally with herself. “Orym did what he did because he believes in something. Well, I believe in something too.” Imogen moves her vision back to Dorian and then fixes Laudna with an intent stare.
“What?” The taller woman now focused back on Imogen.
“I believe I can bring him back.” Imogen promises.
With the utter intensity in Imogen’s statement, Dorian stands and moves away from Orym. With slow but sure movements, he begins to set up the chair next to their captain.
Laudna breaks eye contact with Imogen and hurriedly busies herself preparing a third chair.
Imogen watches Laudna for a moment. “What are you doing?”
“If you’re going after Orym, you’re going to need all the help you can get.” Laudna doesn’t look up from what she’s doing, doesn’t break her concentration.
“You’re not going with me, Laud.” Imogen teeters between admiration for this powerful woman, and panic that she’s going to throw herself away for Imogen’s crazy idea.
“Oh?” Laudna pauses.
Over the past few weeks, Imogen had been getting used to the soft yet intense gaze of those big brown eyes looking into her own violet ones. Peering into her soul. But this look from Laudna was piercing, angry, possessive. Nothing Imogen was used to, at least not targeted at herself. It scares her a bit, if she’s being honest.
“It’s too-” Imogen starts.
“Dangerous?” Laudna mocks her. “ You trying to protect me now?”
They stand locked in an intense staring contest for a few seconds, before Dorian clears his throat. “We got to get moving.”
Imogen narrows her eyes at Laudna, feeling torn in her goals. “No, it’s…” Imogen fumbles around the words. She doesn’t know what she wants to say. Of course she wants to protect Laudna. But she doesn’t want to belittle the other woman, or make her feel like she doesn’t have a choice. She also doesn’t think she could even persuade her if she tried.
Laudna takes a step forward, taking Imogen’s breath away. “Let me tell you what I believe.” She enunciates every word. “If you’re really serious about saving him, you are going to need my help. And since I am the ranking officer on this ship, if you don’t like it, I believe you can go to hell. Because you aren’t going anywhere else. Dorian? Load us up.”
Imogen wills the breath Laudna has stolen from her back in. She exhales slowly, trying to still her heart from beating out of her chest. Wow, this woman is a force. Goosebumps propagate down her arms, and if she had hair there it would be standing on end.
“I’d like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals.” Agent Da’leth coos. He’s been chasing this bloody human relentlessly for far too long, he’s sure as hell going to savour this victory. “Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with its surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to carry on, spreading to another area.” He has been itching to gloat, to explain to them how sick they are, how in need of cleansing they are. “There is another organism on this planet that follows that same pattern. Do you know what it is?”
Pausing dramatically, Da’leth has fully circled Orym now. But the man in the chair is barely able to breathe properly, let alone respond in words.
“A virus.” Da’leth spits. “Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.”
Imogen stands in a blank white space. Her knee-length leather trenchcoat flaps in a non existent breeze over her black tactical attire. Dark sunglasses cover her eyes.
Dorian’s voice, tinny over her cell speaker asks. “Okay, what do you need here? Besides a miracle.”
Imogen is impressed the man can make jokes at this point, after all he’s been through. Maybe he lightens the mood not despite of, but because of what he’s been through.
Imogen looks to her left and stops an audible gasp from releasing. She’s seen Laudna in her iconic leather onepiece countless times now, but it still makes her breath catch every time. Trying to focus her brain on the task at hand… Orym, we’re saving Orym .. she answers Dorian simply with. “Guns, lots of guns”
Laudna places a guiding hand on Imogen’s elbow as an endless row of weaponry shoots by and surrounds the two of them. “No one has ever done anything like this before, you know.”
Nodding, Imogen busies herself with equipping all sorts of weapons to her body. Trying not to think about how close Laudna is to her. She grins. “That’s why it’s gonna work.”
Thull prepares a syringe for Agent Da’leth. He then injects Orym with it. The last piece of the puzzle.
Orym’s eyes flutter as he seems to be losing the battle with pain. After a few moments and no other changes, Da’leth scowls.
“Why isn’t it working?” Agent Thull furrows their eyebrows.
Growing impatient, Da’leth muses. “Perhaps we’re asking the wrong questions.”
Thull eyes him curiously.
“Leave me with him.” Daleth commands. “Now.”
Dorian walks over to where Orym’s body lies. Blood, spit, and sweat dripping from him.
“Hold on Orym, they’re coming for you.” Eyes dried now with resolve, Dorian mops the older man’s brow. He lovingly caresses his face. “They’re coming.”
Not for the first time, Dorian wishes he could go in there with them. But such is the life outside for a natural-born human.
Once Thull is gone and the door is shut behind them, Da’leth rips his earpiece off, angrily.
“Can you hear me, Orym?” His voice raised. No longer calm and collected, he’s getting desperate now. He’s so close. His hands clasp the sides of Orym’s face. “I’m going to be honest with you.”
Orym’s eyes are bloodshot. Snot drips from his nose and blood is dribbling from his ears. But he meets the agent’s manic gaze.
“I hate this place,” Da’leth drops Orym’s face and instead grips his shirt. “this zoo,” he leans in closer to Orym. “this prison,” the agent shouts, ripping his sunglasses from his face. “this reality, whatever you want to call it.”
Orym is watching him.
“I can’t stand it any longer.” He straightens, and fixes his collar, sinking back to his typical monotone. “It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it.” He leans in again and snorts up Orym’s stench. “I can taste your stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it. It’s repulsive, isn’t it? I must get out of here. I must get free and in this mind is the key, my key.” He taps Orym’s temple. “Once Zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here, don’t you understand?” Da’leth stands tall and strongly states. “I need the codes. I have to get inside Zion, and you have to tell me how. You’re going to tell me or, you’re going to die.” Da’leth then resorts to shaking and slapping Orym silly. Blood showers the floor.
Laudna and Imogen hit the ground running. Dorian got them as close as he could, but they’re still a few blocks away from their target.
Police shout as they descend upon the pair. Like a choreographed dance, Imogen and Laudna take turns spinning each other out of harm and shooting over each other’s shoulder, downing cops two at a time.
“We need to get up higher, or we wont make it to him in time.” Laudna shouts over the noise, and Imogen blindly follows her movements – she knows this stuff better than Imogen.
They race into a hotel and make a break for the elevator.
It’s one of those vintage ones, where a doorman usually opens and closes a gate. It’s locked. Peering curiously at it, Imogen says to herself quietly “There is no spoon…” She blinks and, without touching anything, she has her and Laudna riding up the elevator to the roof.
They share a look just before the door opens. “Imo…” Laudna starts, just as the bright daylight begins to stream in. The sound of bullets singing towards them.
“Later.” Imogen gives Laudna’s hand a squeeze before adjusting the machine gun in her arms.
The roof is teeming with uniformed soldiers. They’re easy enough to deal with, but they’re taking up precious time that Orym doesn’t have.
A helicopter lands on the roof, but before the pilot can do anything his mind and body are shunted aside in a blur. Agent Thull steps out of the helicopter, their immaculate tailored suit and mirrored sunglasses catch Imogen’s attention immediately.
“Uh, Laudna!” She tries to keep the panic from her voice as Thull begins to aim their hand gun at her. “A little help!”
BANG BANG BANG. Three bullets fly towards Imogen. BANG BANG BANG. Then three more.
She panics, her movements become instinctual only, as she windmills her arms backwards in an attempt to avoid turning into a pincushion. The sounds of battle slow and all she can hear is a steady beat of her own heart in her ears. Badumph. Badumph . Her feet are solidly on the ground, but the rest of her body is flat backwards, a foot off of the ground. Arms backwards, she cocks her head to the side just as she feels the first bullet ripple the air above her cheek.
One bullet barely grazes her shoulder, and then the last one rips through the top of her thigh. Burning pain in her leg causes her to fall, backwards to the ground.
She hears Laudna growl. “Dodge this.” Before a loud gunshot explodes Thull’s head. The pilot’s body hits the ground in a crackle of electricity as the agent morphs away.
Dusting herself off, Imogen breaths a heavy sigh of relief at the moment’s lack of living bodies for more agents to snatch.
“How did you do that?” Laudna is looking at her differently. Like she’s trying to find where the puzzle piece she’s holding should go.
“Do what?” Imogen asks, cocking her head in a lack of understanding.
“You moved like they do. I’ve never seen anyone move that fast.” Laudna sounds impressed but also confused.
Shrugging, Imogen responds. “Not fast enough.” She gestures to the two bullet wounds across her shoulder and thigh.
Laudna returns the gesture with a wry smile, before turning towards the helicopter, conveniently waiting for them on the roof.
“Can you fly this thing?” Imogen asks.
Still smiling, Laudna responds. “One sec.” She flips her black Phone open and dials.
“Operator.” Dorian’s voice on the cell.
“Dorian, I need a pilot program.” Laudna lists off the model number.
“On it.” His rapid typing can be heard.
Laudna’s eyes flutter for a second before turning back to Imogen. “Let’s go.”
They drop down in front of the floor to ceiling window Da’leth is keeping Orym in. Laudna flying the helicopter flawlessly through the narrow terrain. Imogen spins the excessively large machine gun towards the window, making sure to aim above where Orym’s head lies slumped on his chest. She makes eye contact with Da’leth, then opens fire.
The glass shatters and the back wall of the room is torn to shreds. Three bodies lie in the ruin, the agent’s already evacuated from them.
Imogen looks on towards Orym, his body beaten. “Orym, get up.” She whispers. “Come one, get up.” They’ve come so far, done so well, he has to be okay.
It’s gradual at first, but Imogen can see the muscles of Orym’s body waking up. He raises his head, locking eyes with them only about twenty feet away. Orym strains against his chains, roaring like a bear before busting out of them.
Standing now, Orym rips the suctions and cables from his body and steps towards the open window. He’s running when the door opens. He’s leaping to safety when the agent fires a shot. Oryms grunts in pain as his leg buckles from the gunshot wound.
“He’s not going to make it.” Imogen realizes. She looks down, clips herself to a helicopter rope and jumps to meet Orym halfway.
They fly out into the nothingness between the helicopter and the skyscraper. Hundreds of feet from the ground. Imogen catches him and they grasp each other’s arms. “Gotcha.” She reassures him as their eyes meet. A look of shock and appreciation from Orym, and just good old fashioned relief from Imogen.
The agents come streaking out, a barrage of bullets hits the helicopter’s fuel tank.
Laudna deftly pulls the vehicle up and out of harm’s way, but she’s losing control of the helicopter as its systems begin to shut down.
She’s able to get her dangling passengers a safe distance to drop onto a nearby rooftop. Imogen rolls safely to the ground as she watches in horror as Laudna and the helicopter sail in a downward arch out of her view.
Imogen feels a tightness in her chest. It’s different than the thought of losing Orym was. She cant lose Laudna. No way, not now. Looking down, she wraps the rope still attached to her around her arm and braces for impact. She knows a whole helicopter is attached to the other end, but she doesn’t care. She’d give up her whole arm if it meant a chance at saving Laudna. Hell, she’d give up a lot more than that.
Fortunately, Laudna is pretty resourceful herself. As Imogen slides closer to the edge, bracing herself, she can see Laudna has blasted the other end of the rope free and is now swinging away from the helicopter.
The giant machine bounds uncontrollably into the mirrored side of a skyscraper. Reality bends as the glass ripples and then shatters in an explosion of steel and flame. Laudna, swings out from the explosion and towards her saviour, Imogen, who hauls her up on the rope tethering them to each other.
Aboard the Nebuchadnezzar, Dorian cheers with his headset on. “I knew it! She is The One.” He pumps his arms up in celebration.
Orym steps up to join Laudna and Imogen on the edge of the roof. “Do you believe it now, Laudna?”
Breathing heavily, Imogen looks at him. “Orym, the Oracle. She told me-”
“-exactly what you needed to hear.” Orym replies, calmly. “There’s a difference, Imo, between knowing the path. And walking the path.”
Orym begins to lead the way to a safer location, calling Dorian for a route out.
Laudna looks at Imogen. “I guess I should thank you.”
Imogen wants to embrace her, to hold her close and never let her go. But instead, she shakes Her head, “I should be thanking you. For believing in me.”
Little does Imogen know the gravity of that statement;
This is a fan fiction piece, characters are not my own. Everything is completely fictional. It takes place in a cyberpunk world and draws inspiration from Critical Role characters, the Matrix movies, and other post-apocalyptic cyberpunk content.
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