Skyline Tavern

A blog of tabletop roleplaying game storytelling, character development, and world-building

An elf looking at a glowing egg, and an allosaurus chasing two dragonborn.

Storm Catchers: Chapter 5 – Uneggspected Complications

The egg is glowing an otherworldly green. Edging closer, Artemis can see a nasty centipede-like creature twitching inside. Well, that certainly wasn’t there earlier tonight. She thinks.

Vellym is to her right and motions like he’s telling her to back up he seizes up, holding his head. But it’s too late. Artemis hears whispers, intrusively echoing inside her skull. Squeezing her eyes shut, she feels the fortitude of her patron course through her, as she manages to shake off the effects.

Morgryn and Vellym also fight through the psychic haze and begin to advance on the egg. But through the other side of the room, another guard enters. It’s the same guard that Artemis is masquerading as. Uh oh. She thinks.

Quick on the draw, Vellym waves his hand towards the guard. He manages to hit him and the two entranced ones with a Sleep spell. But one of the dazed guards comes to and shakes off Vellym’s magic.

“Rocky,” Vellym calls out. “I think we’re going to need you in here.”

Ready for battle, Rocky charges into the room.

Artemis psyches him up with some words of inspiration, and the muscular dragonborn wastes no time getting into the thick of things. Please don’t get mind-controlled. Artemis thinks as her, more familiar, magic flows musically from her mouth and over to Rocky.

Rocky leaps at the standing guard, knocking him over, and holds him to the ground. Morgryn unsheathes his sword and slashes the guard, uttering a phrase in a language Artemis doesn’t recognize. A bright orange flame wreathes Morgryn’s sword as it connects with the guard.

One of the sleeping guards wakes groggily to the party yelling “Thieves!” as a male halfling, a female purple-red tiefling, and the dragonborn Lady Nolxus Belroth herself, force their way into the gemstone room.

Taking advantage of the momentary chaos, Vellym sidles up next to the pedestal with the egg. He holds a pouch filled with sand in one hand, and carefully edges closer. In one fell swoop, Vellym transfers the pouch for the egg.

Breathing an audible sigh of relief when nothing happens, Vellym tucks the glowing egg into his satchel.

Morgryn begins yelling commands at the guards to seize the dragonborn and her crew. He continues out to the main exhibit hall. Vellym and Artemis make their way to the back exit, but Artemis refuses to go any further without making sure that Rocky is safe.

With Serena fighting the thieves, Rocky takes the opportunity to make a break for it. But he is caught by the other guards waking up. Artemis runs back into the room to help Rocky get out.

“No, we have to go this way!” Vellym whisper-shouts.

Trying not to kill anyone, but possibly failing, Rocky and Artemis subdue the guards. Artemis comes barreling into the back hallway after Vellym. But Rocky goes the other way to make sure Lady Belroth gets out safely too.

Artemis sends Rocky a quick message, telling him to get Morgryn and meet them in the cafeteria. Rocky confirms as Morgryn continues shouting at the guards to ‘stop the intruders’ in the gemstone room. One of the guards panickedly presses a button. Rocky and Morgryn both stop for a moment as the gigantic allosaurus statue begins to move.

Sliding into the cafeteria, Artemis surveys the scene. No one’s here. As long as Morgryn and Rocky get here soon, they should be able to get away through the window. Her thoughts are interrupted by the most terrifying roar she has ever heard.

An elf looking at a glowing egg, and an allosaurus chasing two dragonborn.
Vellym steals the egg while Rocky protects Lady Belroth from an angry allosaurus

The allosaurus roars to life, its tail immediately swinging an unfortunate guard into a wall. The limp body slides down from the wall as Morgryn gulps. He sprints towards the cafeteria, feeling bad for a moment considering, better these guards than me.

Rocky gallantly scoops up Nolxus Belroth, and breathes a line of electricity at the allosaurus. “Get out safely Miss!” He swoons, rushing her to the top of the stairs and beckoning her to leave through the main exit.

“My hero.” Nolxus replies breathily as she turns and runs down the steps.

The four adventurers reunite

Vellym takes stock at the window. “It’s solid, the only opening is way up at the top.”

Rocky looks at the glass thoughtfully, his greataxe in hand.

The smashing and banging outside becomes quieter, as the allosaurus roars. Heavy footsteps begin to get louder.

“I think she’s coming this way.” Morgryn announces nervously.

Artemis nudges Rocky to the side, smacks her palms together and begins to heat them up against each other. Static form between her hands as she utters a phrase and extends them towards the glass. A thunderous boom explodes the entire pane in front of her.

“I guess that’s one way to open the window.” Vellym notes. “Though, now everyone within a five-block radius will know something is up.” He secures the grappling hook and uses the rope to slide down into the alley.

Morgryn follows shortly

Then, Artemis starts down as the allosaurus bursts through the cafeteria doors.

Licking his lips, Rocky readies himself for battle.

Artemis perches on the ledge of the broken window, looking from her best friend and the biggest, scariest beast she’s ever seen in real life. “Rocky, we gotta go.” She steps back into the cafeteria and sends an Eldritch Blast towards the allosaurus.

“Artemis!” Vellym hisses. “You aren’t any good to Rocky dead!”

The big man narrowly dodges a deathly bite, as the dinosaur sinks its teeth into one of Rocky’s arms. He makes it next to Artemis. “Go!” She begs him, static crackling from her hands. He looks paler, like he’s lost a lot of blood. She doesn’t want to think about if he can withstand another hit. Rocky compliantly grabs the rope and starts to slide down to the ground.

Artemis narrowly ducks a bite from the creature. “Jump!” Morgryn yells to Artemis. “We’ll catch you!”

Without much choice left, Artemis leaps out of the window.

Safe, for now, but not out of trouble yet…

The four hurry through dark alleys towards their meeting spot with Dr. Denel. A cloaked figure steps out from behind the hooded statue of the Traveler.

“So?” Denel asks. Artemis can see the beads of sweat on her nervous brow, even in the darkness.

Vellym pulls the egg out of his satchel. Cracks are now formed down the length of the egg.

Denel pulls a rectangular container out of her own bag. “Give it to me, quickly!” She hisses.

Vellym hands the egg over, and sees Denel expertly slide it into the container. As she clicks the lock closed, they all breathe a sigh of relief. Looking into the container, aleg of the creature is reaching through one of the cracks. But it is stock-still, frozen in stasis.

“That was too close for comfort.” Denel breathes heavily. “Thank you. You saved many lives tonight.”

Artemis nods with the others

But something gnaws at the back of her mind. They may have prevented a monster from getting loose in the city, but she’s pretty sure people died anyway. She looks down at her hands. The electricity from earlier dissipated, but the memory of the tingling sensation and the power coursing through her is still there. Shaking the thoughts from her head, she pulls her hood up and assumes her tanned human visage, then turns to catch up with Rocky and the others.

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