
Combat in the night

A howl in the night wakes Xavi from his restless slumber. He doesn’t have time to don his breastplate, but lifts the warhammer he carries and dons his shield, Sehanine’s symbol shimmering…

Curiosities and Fascinations

–Modified from the Murkmire Malevolence– Unbeknownst to anyone but Dr. Cassee Darnell, the Arkin Natural History Collection, and potentially all of Port Damali, is in grave danger. Eiselcross explorers unearthed an ancient…

Comic frame of a half elf and a dragonborn

Whiskey Business

Tensions are running at an all time high between the Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. Agents of the Bright Queen scour Wildemount for an ancient artifact, promising to restore balance to…